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Five common Data Security Pitfalls

Is your data security practice all that it should be? This ebook looks at five of the most prevalent and avoidable data security missteps organizations are making today, and how these “common pitfalls” can result in potentially disastrous attacks. Download Five common data security pitfalls Whitepaper

HCLS/2020 cost of Data Breach Study: global overview

How much could a data breach cost your business? The Cost of a Data Breach Report offers a detailed investigation of factors that influence financial impacts to organizations. Discover what security measures can mitigate costs, based on analysis of over 500 real security incidents. * Understand cost mitigation effects of security automation and incident response […]

Five best practices for mitigating DDOS Attacks

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks remain one of the most effective methods used by cybercriminals to cause significant financial, operational, and reputational damage to businesses worldwide. Though these attacks take different forms, the goal is always to incapacitate targeted servers, services, or networks by flooding them with traffic from compromised devices or networks.   As organizations have […]