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Wow, Americans Really Hate Their Internet Service Providers

You know you have a perception problem when your industry has a sorrier showing than the US Postal Service or even gas stations. But alas, that’s where internet service providers are this week with the release of the American Customer Satisfaction Index’s Telecommunications Study for 2021-2022. 

Among over 45 different industries surveyed (including such wide-ranging trades as food manufacturing, life insurance, airlines, hotels, hospitals and social media), ISPs came in dead last for customer satisfaction, with a 64 rating on a zero to 100 scale. That’s two points behind the next lowest industry (subscription TV services at 66) and a 1.5% loss over the previous year’s performance.

Suddenlink suffered the largest drop, falling 4% from last year’s numbers to a score of 53 and placing it firmly at the bottom of the ACSI list, a slot it held in 2021, too. In April, Suddenlink’s parent company Altice USA announced that it would soon be rebranding the service to Optimum.

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