What Does Securing Your Cloud-Native Solutions Mean?
Cloud-native solutions are becoming more popular by the day. They are seen as the future of application development and deployment in today’s digital age. But with great innovation comes great responsibility – the responsibility of securing these cloud-native solutions. Wondering what ‘securing the cloud’ means in practical terms? Well, we are talking about the comprehensive management of Non-Human Identities (NHIs) and their secrets.
Why Should You Be Concerned About Non-Human Identities (NHIs)?
NHIs are machine identities used in cybersecurity. They are a combination of a “Secret” (an encrypted password, token, or key that functions as a unique identifier) and permissions granted by a destination server. When we talk about NHIs and secrets management, we’re talking about securing the identities and their access credentials, much like securing a tourist and their passport.
The management of NHIs is gaining importance in industries across the board such as financial services, healthcare, travel, and DevOps. It’s particularly relevant for organizations working in the cloud, as NHIs help to address the security gaps that may arise from disconnects between security and R&D teams – helping create a stronger, more secure cloud environment.
The Crucial Role of NHI Management
With their role in maintaining cybersecurity, NHI management goes beyond just protection. It is about a holistic approach to securing machine identities and secrets. This involves every step from discovery and classification to threat detection and remediation. This strategic approach outshines point solutions such as secret scanners that provide limited protection.
NHI management platforms delve deeper. They provide insights on elements like ownership, permissions, usage patterns, and potential vulnerabilities. This context-aware security is what sets NHI management apart – it’s about having a more comprehensive view of your cloud security.
Source: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/12/relax-with-secure-cloud-native-solutions/