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3 Reasons Companies Miss MTTR Targets & How to Boost Your Success Rate

Companies everywhere are counting on cloud native architectures to enable engineers to deliver exceptional customer service more efficiently to grow top-line revenue and protect the bottom line. Yet when incidents occur, those same technical teams are finding it not only increasingly challenging, but downright impossible, to remediate issues quickly. The recent 2023 Cloud Native Observability […]

Aberdeen Report: Drive Results with AI-powered CX

New Aberdeen report: Drive Results with AI-Powered CX Today’s contact center is more complex than their counterpart from even ten years ago due to the rise of digital channels. However, CX leaders have never had as many tools in their toolbox to step up to the challenge—and deliver superior business results. Companies that use AI […]

10 Reasons to Consider Marketing Automation

More agile, more efficient, more effective marketing. Being a successful marketer means always being ready for the unexpected, but that goes beyond just having the right outlook and attitude. Your plans, strategies, and campaigns should be equipped to adapt to disruptions and changes — and it’s pretty much impossible to accommodate this manually. Enter marketing […]

Use case guide: Transform digital operations

Transform Digital Operations with SPM. To ensure your organisation is stronger, better, and safer than the rest, business and strategy leaders must champion solutions that allow them to be adaptive to change and agile in the face of continuous disruption. The powerful Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) solution from ServiceNow helps leaders like you stay ahead […]