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6 steps to a stronger security posture through automation

The ever-increasing frequency and costs of cyberbreaches mean you need to create the strongest possible security in your organisation. But how can you achieve this while still supporting innovation and change? By orchestrating your security operations—as well as risk and IT asset management—on a single platform. Read this ebook for six steps to a more […]

3 façons d’automatiser et d’optimiser la gestion des services sur site

Comment donner à vos équipes de service du site les moyens d’offrir aux clients des expériences fluides tout en réduisant les coûts ? Ce guide vous explique comment aider les techniciens à répondre de manière efficace, transparente et proactive aux besoins des clients en optimisant votre prestation de services sur site grâce à la plateforme ServiceNow. […]

Las 10 principales formas de anticipar, eliminar y erradicar las ciberamenazas

El 90 % de las organizaciones afirman que la transformación digital conlleva nuevos riesgos. Teniendo esto en cuenta, ¿qué te parecería poder agilizar la innovación tecnológica con confianza y seguridad? Descubre en esta guía lo fácil que resulta mejorar drásticamente el estado de la seguridad y eliminar el riesgo. Podrás ver casos de uso para […]

9 prácticas recomendadas para desarrollar y mantener la resiliencia operativa

Hoy en día, los responsables empresariales se enfrentan a un panorama incierto y mayores riesgos operativos. Lee esta guía y descubre cómo puedes tomar con confianza decisiones basadas en el riesgo tanto en el ámbito de los negocios como de la TI gracias a una estrategia de resiliencia proactiva, integral y competitiva que resulta especialmente […]

Unifying ITSM and ITOM with ITIL4

How can you realise the full value of your IT while breaking down silos across your IT management infrastructure? Download this ebook to learn how you can drive business performance by aligning ITSM and ITOM teams based on ITIL 4 principles. You’ll see how unifying technology services and operations can enable collaboration and shared visibility […]

3 ways to expand technology services and still cut costs

Organisations that modernise their IT service operations can expect to resolve major IT outages 25% more efficiently and increase IT service agent productivity by 30%. Read this guide to see how you can enable business growth by eliminating silos, streamlining processes and creating a solid, common data foundation—all on the ServiceNow platform.  Download Now

Business Value of ServiceNow Service Operations

Demand for digital services is exploding. And to thrive in this constantly evolving landscape, you need to learn how to futureproof your IT while making the most of your existing IT investments. In this guide, discover how you can automate processes and break down silos between your IT services and operations using a single platform. […]

Convergence and adoption of AI and ML countering the cyber threat

During the last few years, we have witnessed an increase in advanced cyber attacks. Cybercriminals utilize advanced technology to breach the digital boundary and exploit enterprises’ security vulnerabilities. No industry feels secure; security professionals do their utmost to close security gaps and strengthen their cyber defense. As new technologies pop up at an unprecedented rate, […]